Meetings begin at 6:30 p.m.


Jan. 22nd – The Byrd House – 4246 N. Buffalo Road

Feb. 05th – The Byrd House – 4246 N. Buffalo Road

Feb. 19th – The Byrd House – 4246 N. Buffalo Road


Meeting location and dates are also listed on the club web site: http://www.orchardparkrotary.com


Member Attendance

Christmas Party: Well attended!

01/08:  Joe DiMaria, Dave Heer, Elaine James, Stan Jemiolo, Peter Murray, Gary Phillips, Mike Randall, Doug Robinson, Tom Sciolino, Ron Samson & Ken Wilk



Old Business

100 Save around Coupon books were distributed and sold.  A check was cut to the company for $1,200.  Anyone who is still holding money for books that they sold should get the cash to Pete Murray.  Congratulations to the top sellers:  Ron Samson, Kevin D’Angelo and Tom Sciolino


The Christmas party was a success.  Special thanks to the guest bartender, Craig Anthony, who donated his “tip” money to our Adopt a Family.  On December 23rd Dave Heer and Elaine James dropped off presents & gift cards to the family.  The family consisted of the Aunt, 3 teenagers she took in, their 8 year old sister, and 2 small children of the oldest teenager.  The family was most appreciative.

New Business

Plans for the FIRST ANNUAL JEMIOLO’S FISH FRY are well under way.  Details include:

            Friday, February 1, 2013

            American Legion Hall, Orchard Park

            Serving time: 5- 8:30 pm

            $12.00 a dinner

The tickets are expected to be ready by this week-end.  The club hopes to sell 200# of fish which would be approximately 300 dinners.  The club expects to make $4 per plate.  The jobs are many & varied and a list of volunteers has been started.  We will need everyone’s help with this project. 


The Foundation will purchase 2 Justin Bieber tickets for the July 15th concert at First Niagara (cost $1,000) to benefit Young Life in El Salvador (Samantha Jemiolo).  We will raffle these tickets off for $10 apiece.  300 tickets will be printed.

Did you know?

* Mike Randall and Gary Phillips are co-chairs of the 2013 May Raffle.  Tickets are printed and available

* A  Peace Symposium Special Event will be held in Toronto on March 2nd.  RI President Sakuji Tanaka will kick off the day of captivating presentations and motivational stories.  Visit the District website for more details and to register.  http://www.clubrunner.ca/Portal/Home.aspx?accountid=50043

* The club tried out The Byrd House in the Village for our last meeting.  The venue was well received and we agreed to meet there for our next few meetings.